Mindful writing challenge, January 2014.
Rain stars explode on her windscreen, invisible firecrackers beating
again and again, beaten back. The firefly beacons trail up from liquid
comets on the ground and the fire blazes, dances between the two.
Stellar collision, ice and blazing, the light blinds. Crash and burn.
Our car flies on through the storm, above the the M2, and the star that
binds us close. She will return, she is a jealous furnace. One day, she
will claim us all.
Image: Getty Images |
We have all been issued a challenge for January 2014. Do you want to give it a go? It's the small stones challenge.
what is the small stones challenge? The question is, can you find and
observe one thing, mindfully, carefully once a day, every day during
January? Record this piece, write it down, this is a small stone. Pay
proper attention to it, write it down. On a bit of paper, in your phone,
on your hand.... just take 10 minutes a day to see. You will surprise
yourself. Write the small observations, small stones, and see where it
takes you.... So, I was being driven back from a friends wedding through
the rain and this is what I had observed...
Want to take part? See the details here:
Small stones writing challenge