Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Mindful Writing 28 - Ginger

The sunshine of your
smile has singed your
beautiful beard quite
the sparks in the
middle of a fire.
Warming, not burning.
(I hope)

Picture credit: hotblack

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention
Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Monday, 27 January 2014

Mindful Writing 27 - Bills

Bills and bank statements,
artfully arranged and
rearranged on
my beige floor.
Piled up, jagged edges ready to
vomit onto the soft
pile; I size them
up, and shudder.

Picture credit : M Connors


This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention
Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Mindful Writing 26 - Boxty

In the warm kitchen, below the incomplete 

bottle of red wine from last week 

(on the side), I watch my hands grating potato

onto the pine effect chopping board;

soft white slivers falling randomly onto

blue and white teacloth, crisp and fresh

from the laundry;

Boxty that my mother will

not eat

Picture Credit: Jer_Jones

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention
Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Mindful Writing 25 - Chalk Banks

Everyone is alone in the dark;
the 43 seconds in the tunnel between
 Gillingham to Chatham turn my lying watch-
face blank. Blinking away the glare from the
chalk faced banks; the light dims sharply.
I see the wire mesh holding the crumbling
chalk banks, slowly submerged by  
lush spring growth.
Ivy has buried the lone grey signal box,
slowly spreads towards the  
patchwork platforms.

Picture Credit: Jusben

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention
Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Friday, 24 January 2014

Mindful Writing 24 - Tree Island

Walking past the car park; the
smell of fresh-hewn wood.
Three oblong islands, each decked
with two bare blank trees, separate the
bays from the men

Picture credit: Alvimann

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention
Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Mindful Writing 23 - Chatham station, Island

At Chatham station,
beneath the leaking pipe on
platform 11, a moss-soft green world
blooms and flourishes;
encircled by the rainwater moat.

Picture credit: r_brevity

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention
Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Mindful Writing 22 - Banana smile

Morning tea;
the upturned smile of a
banana, softening to brown
baby mush.
Shortbread it is, then.

Picture credit: Doctor_bob

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention
Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Mindful Writing 21 - anticipation

the train is a jackhammer, vibrating with such
force it almost
lifts from the ground.
The moment passes; the engine
whines as it leaves
Gillingham. Such sweet sorrow.

Picture credit ronnieb

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention
Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Monday, 20 January 2014

Mindful Writing 20 - Laundry

The odd shape of soft
lemon wool,
bulky above sleek
layers of acrylic;
black interspersed with
tempered blue.

Picture credit: Alvimann

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention

Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Mindful Writing 19 - Duvet Day

early rays of
sunlight as
pale as the moon,
cool as the air on my
warm duvet covering
my lips.
Photo credit: Seamann
This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention

Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Mindful Writing 18 - They fit

canvas bag pressing sharply
on my right shoulder
soiled pink buggy jammed
into backside, baby shrieks
drumming inside my skull,
but this; the boot.
Chocolate brown, zip
up the side,
and soft leather pressing against
naked calf. A perfect fit.

Photo credit: Muyral

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention

Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Friday, 17 January 2014

Mindful Writing 17 - Yellow brick road

a river of fire,
leading down from the
dormant grey
chimney; the windy snakeskin glare
reflecting the sun in scar
tissue. left from internet cables
replaced years ago;
fringed in water. shimmering
blinding gold

until the moment the dew heavy clouds
draw in: the new patchwork tarmac, red and black,
Adder sharp, grows to replace the glare;
I find my keys

Photo credit: K Connors

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention

Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Mindful Writing 16 - Disco Mystery

Yellow, blue, green,
white, pink, purple

like every other dark
afternoon inside the single
story extension. Perched on the
back of the ex-council house
next door

Yellow, blue, green,
white, pink, purple

lights flash in succession
through the window of the single story
and the spaces in the arm of the tree
next door

Photo credit: monosodium

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention

Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Mindful Writing 15 - The Canvas

Magpies streak like
comets across a stained canvas;
blue stains leak through where
splayed Ash branches
grab the sky.
Beneath the framed image, the
burning radiator
white hot
Photo credit: cohdra

This is part of the small stones writing challenge

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Stagetime 2015 - East 15 Playwriting Competition

East 15 Acting School is looking to produce a new writing play as part of their series of BA Acting final year performances in May/June next year. This play will be performed a minimum of two times at a London theatre during the summer 2015 term by a company of final year BA Acting students.

Credit: M Connors

For more details see their website here: http://www.ideastap.com/Opportunities/Brief/Stagetime-2015-East-15-Playwriting-Competition-300414#Overview

Best of luck!

Mindful Writing 14 - Send

The light burns, blank
hard white. Above the 
heat mirage the screen
The beetle-black box beside
me sighs.
My finger pauses over the
words. I roll my eyes
across the wastelands to the
blinking line.
Watch it select, hesitate
- “send”

Photo credit: kolobsek
This is part of the small stones writing challenge
The art of paying attention

Monday, 13 January 2014

Mindful Writing 13 - 3:15 in the afternoon

The circle is squared; thick

brown rectangular trapping

static lines. The red line

pauses; an

eternity for each second. 

Parallel bars lined in thick

black ink rest on the number

three. The meaning crushed 

beneath the weight

of waiting

Straight lines;

seldom straight forward.

Photo credit: Darnok

This is part of the small stones writing challenge

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Mindful Writing 12 - Morris Dancers

Dim light filters from green and beige jellyfish lights; a venue without a gig. Dust rising from disturbed cabling and plastic blinds shine and shimmer in the rays. Concentration sealed with sweat on the brow; the men dance. Sticks bound with masking tape raise din triumph in the air. The new man watches, counts and jumps while standing; he is cold beneath his black beanie, munching on dry roasted peanuts. The accordionist plays on.

Disclaimer: Morris Men dance with bigger sticks

This is part of the small stones writing challenge
Taking a moment of the day to notice what is happening

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Mindful Writing challenge 11 - Travel

Above the hardback copies works of Paul Theroux
sitting neatly in the high gun-metal shelves of the Travel
section; through the lattice work of the 1930s
window, into the bright blue skies above
white-washed walls
steals the promise of the morning

Photo credit: Clarita

This is part of the small stones writing challenge

Friday, 10 January 2014

Mindful writing challenge 10 - Prestige Laundry

White plastic bags, full beyond
brimming, filled some more;
lined up in front of the window. A woman
walks past, alone, from her dryer to the
wooden bench with an empty hand.
Her laundry spins.

Photo credit: Taliesin

This is part of the small stones writing challenge

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Mindful writing challenge 9 - White Wall

The white wall has always been there, her face refreshed this July past between showers. The fierce sun throws shadows behind the small plastic brown pots, with squat green soft round leaves. Above the lid of the wall, one brick thick lengthways, two strips of wood carefully nailed in, the strips are almost but not quite linear. The lines of nails facing upwards have rusted, showers of copper dust scattered at their feet like confetti. The bright sun ends halfway in the wall; in the shadow cast by the house, a solitary black lantern swings in the breeze.

Photo credit: Antelligent

This is part of the small stones writing challenge

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Mindful Writing challenge 8 - candy stripes

Photo credit: Alvimann 
The window is black and bare, chocolate brown curtains shoved to the sides. Before the window, laying plain on a blue plate on the bare grey table lies the high spot of the day. Chips, beautiful golden yellow and full of innocent promise like a freshly boiled egg. I pick one up, a thick chip, the edge is highlighted in a single line, suntanned crispy and brown. The heat permeates my fingers, the edges crisp and hot against my chapped lips. The inside yields soft creamy starch. Something missing....? Cold tomato ketchup spurts easily out of the plastic bottle, transforming golden chips into candy cane brightness.


This is part of the small stones writing challenge - run by the lovely Satya Robin. I met Satya at an Arvon foundation writing course some years ago. I remember her kindness. Just simple things, really. Those little details make all the difference.

Image source: http://www.morguefile.com

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Mindful Writing Challenge 7 - Latte

The Rawwwcccccchhhhht white froth rises to the height of the white mug. Next is the espresso; plastic tub emptied out, new smaller one placed carefully with a prayer that the new fancy machine, courtesy of Santa, does not break so early in the new year. But Oh - that smell! The freshly split beans spill their moist earthiness through the office.  The froth topples precariously, a single chocolate cherry dot on top. I swoop in; suck the falling bubbles from the side. Creamy sweetness on my tongue, a barbershop quartet of warm laughter gusts across the wooden floor; bliss.

Photo credit: Alvimann


Want to take part in the small stones writing challenge? There is still time. No, you don't have to be a writer. Just pay attention for a few minutes, and write it down.
See the details here: Small stones writing challenge
Photo source: http://www.morguefile.com

Monday, 6 January 2014

Mindful writing challenge 6 - Caught in the rain

Even the edges of my thick jumper are wet, a pair of slugs sliding trails of moisture down to my  elbows each time I raise the tepid coffee to my lips. A puddle of beige collects in the white saucer, settles to the lowest layer. The cold settles in around my thighs, wet trousers rubbing against wet skin. Outside, the rain has stopped, of course, blue skies veiled by gossamer thin grey froth. Sunlight captured in the tears wept by the building; falling stars illuminated above cultured evergreens.

Image source: http://www.morguefile.com/


It helps if I say what a small stone is, seeing as I've been talking about them. Well, a small stone is a short piece of writing that captures a moment that you have noticed. No, you don't have to "be a writer"to take part. Everyone has the capacity to pay attention. For more information, have a look at this blog here: http://www.writingourwayhome.com/small-stones/

Want to take part in the small stones writing challenge? There is still time. See the details here: Small stones writing challenge

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Mindful Writing challenge 5 - Grey Chimney

Grey chimney above a fractured skyline; at the zenith the red light blinks its eye, a staccato warning watching over the maritime hospital. In the twilight, robins and thrushes serenade the hushed roar of the approaching Fiat. The fresh wind brushes my cheek, caresses the trees beside and behind me and leading down the hill past the Victorian houses in formation along the avenue.


So, what is the small stones challenge? Well, here's the quick version:

1. Pay proper attention to one thing every day during January.
2. Write it down (this is a small stone).
3. Get daily support & inspiration.

Everyone can take part, it isn't just for writers. Give it a go, you will surprise yourself.....

It's not too late. See the details here: Small stones writing challenge

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Mindful writing challenge 4 - needle and thread

Scratch, rustle, rasp. Black thread twined through silver needle, slicing through Burgundy cloth. Slick, soft and warm beneath my flattened palm, 100% polyester exhales the night just passed. Firm need, cold and bright against my forefinger; thin spaghetti strap slowly laced back to bodice. Nimble work, while my body cools in the halfway almost dawn of January. Outside, the next-door neighbour's wind chimes pogo in the breeze.

Photo credit D Base. Getty images
Want to take part in the small stones writing challenge? See the details here: Small stones writing challenge

Friday, 3 January 2014

Mindful writing challenge 3 - Biffy

Biffy in large white letters on a red skip, beyond the bulk of the black fire escape, beneath the white door. Trees cross ratcheted above soft green layer of field, topped and framed by a white solid cloud. A picture perfect moment, framed in white, punctuated by rain.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Mindful writing challenge 2 - Chorus line

 The satellite dish is stinging as it sings, clipping my red raw ears. A light pitched scream of ecstasy for the new year, above and beyond the robins of the dawn chorus line. Closer, in the dim light, dark shadows blink above peeling paintwork. Auto-tune, the birds nearby shriek the decibels through the delicate lace mesh, camouflage. Who can tell?

If you want to take part, post your comments here: http://www.writingourwayhome.com/

 Image: Getty Images

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Mindful writing challenge 1 - Stars

Mindful writing challenge, January 2014.

Rain stars explode on her windscreen, invisible firecrackers beating again and again, beaten back. The firefly beacons trail up from liquid comets on the ground and the fire blazes, dances between the two. Stellar collision, ice and blazing, the light blinds. Crash and burn. Our car flies on through the storm, above the the M2, and the star that binds us close. She will return, she is a jealous furnace. One day, she will claim us all.

Image: Getty Images


We have all been issued a challenge for January 2014. Do you want to give it a go? It's the small stones challenge.

So, what is the small stones challenge? The question is, can you find and observe one thing, mindfully, carefully once a day, every day during January? Record this piece, write it down, this is a small stone. Pay proper attention to it, write it down. On a bit of paper, in your phone, on your hand.... just take 10 minutes a day to see. You will surprise yourself. Write the small observations, small stones, and see where it takes you.... So, I was being driven back from a friends wedding through the rain and this is what I had observed...

Want to take part? See the details here: Small stones writing challenge

The Bear - is sleeping?

The Bear is often associated in stories with King Arthur. The recent solstice is associated by modern pagans with King Arthur and his rebirth, along with the sun. I can understand why, the return of both is associated with hope and brighter evenings.

But for the moment, the nights are still long. And the bear, though s/he doesn't hibernate, very sensibly finds somewhere to rest...

Tá an béar ina chodladh.

Image: Getty Images

"The bear is in his sleeping" as opposed to "the bear is sleeping". The more I think about it, the stranger the English language seems to me. Is the bear the concept of sleep? I don't know. Then the feeling passes, and I have a little lie down. 

It seems more sensible to me that the Bear is in a sleep, the sleep that will pass and the Bear will still be there. But then, what do I know....? Is it all splitting hairs? But the idea of keeping your energy conserved until the light returns strikes me as a sensible one. You need your energy until the light returns, so lay off any ideas about changing your diet until then.....!

Do you want to know how to say it in Irish? Try here for one way... http://talkirish.com/blogs/wordaday/archive/2013/12/20/irish-word-a-day-b-233-ar-bear.aspx

For an alternative way of speaking try saying chodladh ("sleeping") with a western / Connacht twist try here http://www.forvo.com/word/ina_chodladh/#ga