Thursday, 15 October 2015

Keep WOW in print

WOW magazine really is the best of what's on where in Kent. It's the only magazine that lets me know what is going on in and around Medway and beyond. While there may be other listings they are somewhat scattered and lack WOWs range, and the space for people to post reviews. However...

WOW magazine October 2015 Photo by David Robinson
Photo: David Robinson
it's been a labour of love for Emma Dewhurst and her team since it launched in 2010. Since the Beatles don't rule the world we really do need more than love. To make it sustainable it really needs to attract some additional funds. One way that we are being invited to help is by becoming a wow subscriber - there will be other ways to help out too.

To find out more, the ‘Keep WOW in print’ Launch Event is on Sunday 8 November at Sun Pier House, Chatham (between 10am-4pm). The campaign will then be live for 30 days, until midnight on Monday 7 December.

News about the crowdfunding campaign to keep WOW in print is posted to the WOW web page at: WOW Kent Campaign 

WOW on facebook
WOW on Twitter
Picture of WOW magazine October 2015 edition: detail wheel of fortune, medieval wall painting, Rochester Cathedral. Photo: David Robinson.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Live'n'Local Rochester Litfest

Live and local, the Rochester Literature festival is back this weekend with a terrific programme of events

Live and local Rochester literature festival
On Saturday,  10 October the events are based around Rochester, where you can get your fix of caffeine and culture at the cafe crawl or join the talks and Workshops at the Guildhall museum.

The cafe crawl timetable is on the Rochesterlitfest website here

On Sunday, the action moves to Sun Pier House in Chatham, I have a feeling that the workshops will book out quickly, but if that happens don't worry, there's a good variety of free gallery talks, a local publisher book fair and even an artist on hand who will be recording the day in pen and ink. Or will it be paint? Will she inspire you to try your hand?

The showcase performance for me though will be the play written by local Playwright Sam Hall. My Mind Is Free explores four contemporary stories of human trafficking, all the more shocking as that too is live and local. After having attended one of Sam's workshops, I was surprised at how blatant human trafficking is, once you know what to look for.  

Want to know more? Rochester literature festival: Live'n'Local

Friday, 2 October 2015

Are you ready to be inspired?

How do you feel now that the nights are getting longer? Are you feeling a little flat? Why not try giving a go to an inspirational night like no other in Medway.

Swallow mid-flight
Image credit: Acrylic Artist
Inspirational nights are a terrific blend of music, poetry, and anything else you feel inspired to do. Event organiser, Lisa Vigour, always includes one or two practical inspirational exercises to help kick-start a creative idea for people who want to join in.

Some people come prepared to share their music or words, and others write something on the night using the pens and pads scattered generously around the venue. Don't fancy joining in during the open mic? Just sit back and relax, and enjoy a fun evening.

It doesn't matter if you don't see yourself as a creative person, if you just want to be entertained or to try something new come along. Inspirational nights are free for everyone to come and enjoy.

Want to know more? Try the vigorouscreations blog or follow Lisa on Twitter

My interview with Lisa is on the WOW Kent website here.

The next inspirational night is on 29 October at the Good Intent pub, Rochester. 
Image sourced from Morguefile