Thursday, 23 April 2020

Virtual Prisoner Convention 2020 - Free For All

Due to the current Covid-19 outbreak, the Prisoner convention due to start at Portmeirion this weekend has been postponed.

However, a group of Prisoner fans, determined to have a good time, have decided to host a virtual Prisoner convention. This is an independent event, and is not connected to any club, society, business or other organisation. You do not need to be a member of any group, and participation is Free for All!

The event will be hosted online here:

There's a terrific line-up of events including interviews, virtual poetry and much more.

The virtual convention opens on Friday, 24 April 2020 at 7pm.


Saturday, 4 April 2020

Goodreads - new author page

I have recently discovered an exciting website called Goodreads.

An online forum where people can share their passion for literature, discuss their reading and expand their boundaries. Have you been to see it yet?

I have set up an author page - please check it out at